Bleeding Disorders

Bleeding disorders are not uncommon health conditions. Many women suffer from it. But, the problem is that they never find this out. The reason behind this is menstruation and childbirth. During menstruation and childbirth, the women bleed heavily and hence, it becomes difficult for them to recognize the abnormal bleeding. Why is so important to find out bleeding disorders? What if they are never diagnosed? What are the consequences of undetected bleeding disorders? Let’s find out.

Bleeding Disorder: An Overview

In bleeding disorders the bleeding doesn’t stop. It is difficult for a person with bleeding disorder to stop bleeding. Generally, when a person bleeds, a clot forms automatically to arrest the bleeding, but in bleeding disorders the clot doesn’t form because platelets and clotting factors, that are essential for clotting don’t work properly. They bleed for a longer duration of time than normal.

Types Of Bleeding Disorder

There are many kinds of bleeding disorders, but the most common bleeding disorders are Von Willebrand Disorder (VWD) and Haemophilia.

Von Willebrand Disease (VWD)

It is an inherited bleeding disorder and is quite common. The reason behind this is certain defects in the clot forming blood substances. Women with VWD present with:

  • Heavy and too long periods
  • Bleeding excessively after child birth
  • Bleeding excessively after surgery or dental work
  • Easy bruising


Haemophilia is an inherited bleeding disorder that is caused by an inherited gene mutation. Women who inherit this trait become carriers of haemophilia. They don’t have this disease but, pass them on to their children. They do not frame any symptom but, if present, they are:

  • Heavy bleeding during menstruation
  • Bleeding excessively during surgery, dental work, childbirth and serious injury.

Symptoms Of Bleeding Disorder

The symptoms of bleeding disorders are very mild in women and hence, it becomes difficult to find out. The symptoms are:

  • Heavy periods
  • Excessive bleeding from reproductive disorders like endometriosis.
  • Large bruises even from minor injuries
  • Anaemia
  • Heavy nose bleeding

Bleeding Disorders And Menstruation

Heavy bleeding during periods doesn’t necessarily means bleeding disorder. About 5 to 20% of women who have heavy menstruation have bleeding disorder.

Diagnosis Of Bleeding Disorder

Diagnosis is done on the basis of symptoms, family history and by investigations like blood tests. Sometimes physical examination is carried out.

Treatment Of Bleeding Disorder

The treatment of bleeding disorders is symptomatic. If a woman is suffering from VWD, she does not necessarily take any medication. Medications are only required during surgical or dental procedures.

For severe symptoms the treatment includes:

  • Birth control pills
  • Antifibrinolytic
  • Desmopressin acetate
  • Clotting factors concentrates

Consequences Of Untreated Bleeding Disorders

Untreated bleeding disorders cause excessive bleeding after

  • Miscarriage
  • Abortion
  • Childbirth
  • Surgery
  • Dental procedures
  • Injury

Women's Health Info